Petunia - Dreams Mix

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  • Regular price $5.95


Mature Height: 10 - 15 inches

Mature Spread: 10 - 12 inches

Other Names: Single Grandiflora Petunia



Dreams™ Mixture Petunia

The free-flowering grandiflora Dreams petunias are full of bright colors and boast 3 to 4 inch blooms. The Dreams series is popular for not only their extra-large blooms but their matched performance and even growth habit across the collection of colors makes them a real winner. Good tolerance to the weather and botrytis is an extra bonus. Use in your window boxes, containers, borders, edges, rock ridges, hanging baskets, pretty much anywhere that receives a minimum of six hours of full sun and has good draining soil. Plants are floriferous, fragrant, and tolerant of light frosts. 

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Protection Information: NA

Flowering Only License, Propagation is Prohibited

Photo Courtesy of Ball Seed