Portulaca - Happy Hour Fuchsia

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  • Regular price $5.95


Mature Height: 8 - 10 inches

Mature Spread: 10 - 12 inches

Other Names: Moss Rose, Purslane



Happy Hour™ Fuchsia Portulaca

The hotter the better for this sun loving plant. Happy hour produces masses of large semi double flowers in bright summer colours. Perfect for the hot dry places in your garden. 

Butterflies and hummingbirds flock to the bright colors. Flower will close at night and during cloudy days. Is at home when placed in a hot, dry place such as a border along a driveway or sidewalk. Can also be used in rock gardens, walls, containers, or as a mass planting in the garden.  As long as it is exposed to the sun and can avoid wet feet, you should be good to go. Does not appear to be a favored snack for deer.

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Protection Information: PAS752657

Flowering Only License, Propagation is Prohibited

Photo Courtesy of Ball Seed