Hosta - Sunshine Glory

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  • Regular price $24.50

Mature Height: 18 - 28 inches

Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet

Other Names: Variegated Hosta, Plantain Lily



Hosta 'Sunshine Glory'

A radiant and robust shade-loving perennial that brightens any garden with its large, heart-shaped leaves. The striking foliage features bold golden-yellow centers surrounded by wide, dark green margins, offering a brilliant contrast that glows in shady areas. Growing up to 24 inches tall and wide, 'Sunshine Glory' also produces lavender flowers on tall stalks in midsummer, adding vertical interest. Ideal for borders, woodland gardens, or as a specimen plant, this hosta is easy to care for and a great choice for adding texture and vibrant color to low-light areas of the garden.


Protection Information: NA

Flowering Only License, Propagation is Prohibited

Photo Courtesy of Cynthia Baldauf via iStock

Photo Courtesy of Angieszka Kwiecień via Wikimedia Commons