Snapdragon - Speedy Sonnet Bronze

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  • Regular price $5.95

Mature Height: 18 - 24 inches

Mature Spread: 12 inches

Other Names: Snapdragon



Speedy Sonnet Bronze Snapdragon

A captivating annual that brings a burst of warm, rich colors to your garden. With its stunning bronze-hued blooms, this variety adds a touch of elegance and vibrancy to borders, containers, or cut flower arrangements. Growing up to 12-18 inches tall, 'Speedy Sonnet Bronze' features sturdy stems that produce an abundance of tightly packed flowers, attracting pollinators and adding life to your outdoor spaces. This fast-growing snapdragon blooms in early summer and continues to flower throughout the season, providing lasting color and interest. With its unique color and charming appearance, this snapdragon variety is perfect for gardeners looking to make a bold statement in their landscape.



Protection Information: NA

Flowering Only License, Propagation is Prohibited

Photo Courtesy of Ball Seed and Sakata Ornamentals