Flowering Kale - Redbor

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  • Regular price $3.95

Mature Height: 18 - 24 inches

Mature Spread: 12 - 15 inches

Other Names: Ornamental Kale, Borecole



Flowering Kale 'Redbor' is a striking ornamental variety known for its vibrant, frilled leaves that range from deep purple to burgundy. This variety is particularly valued for its dramatic color and texture, making it an excellent choice for fall and winter gardens.

'Redbor' thrives in cool weather, and its colors become more intense as temperatures drop. It prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. While primarily ornamental, some people use the young leaves in salads for added color and a mild flavor.


Photo courtesy of Ball Seed

Photo courtesy of Saponifier via pixabay