Calibrachoa - MiniFamous Uno Dbl Funtopia Blue

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  • Regular price $5.85


Mature Height: 8 -10 inches

Mature Spread: 10 - 12 inches

Other Names: Mini Petunias



MiniFamous® Uno Funtopia Blue Calibrachoa

Calibrachoa 'MiniFamous Uno Dbl Funtopia Blue' is a stunning variety known for its vibrant, double blue flowers with a unique ruffled appearance. This compact, trailing plant is perfect for containers, hanging baskets, and garden beds, providing a lush and colorful display throughout the growing season.

This variety thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. It’s relatively low-maintenance and blooms continuously from spring until frost, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Regular watering is essential, especially during dry periods, but be sure not to overwater. Unlike some other calibrachoa varieties, this one is self-cleaning, meaning it doesn’t require deadheading.



Protection Information: US7,786,342 / 'KLECA23A09'

Flowering Only License, Propagation is Prohibited

Photo Courtesy of Ball Seed